With the push for excellent social media marketing in full effect, the focus has now gone beyond Facebook and Twitter. Instagram has always been a ‘go-to’ for celebrity influencers, but with the right marketing technique, your brand can become an influencer within your industry.Before your next post, check out these 6 tips that will add credibility and give a strategic boost to your Instagram profile.
1.Use Hashtags the Right Way
Hashtags are one of the cornerstones of your content strategy. However, they are easy to misuse. For example, dumping 30 hashtags, simply because that is Instagram’s current allowance. Not only does the number of hashtags used on a post matter (we recommend 11 for higher interaction per 1k followers), but the actual hashtags you use count.Research is always important when it comes to keywords in your content and Instagram is no different. Your hashtags are the way that customers can find your way to your brand. Therefore, researching current trending keywords and hashtags that are relevant to your brand to get in front of the right target audience. Keeping things specific to your ideal follower is key.
2.Always Have a Content Strategy
Your brand’s Instagram needs to have a content strategy. Random posts that leave audiences guessing the connection to your brand isn’t going to help you.Fortunately, your analytics can help you create a plan that is simple to follow. Instagram’s business tools like “Instagram Analytics” make tracking your past content a walk in the park. Once you dig into this tool, you’ll want to look for:
Current content your audience is engaging with
Topics that created a buzz
Filter, backgrounds, and styles that your audience prefers
Your audience’s history with your account will help you identify what works and what content you should nix from your plan.3.Don’t Forget a Link in Your BioAs with all SEO efforts, links are important on Instagram. The main goal of your Instagram is to direct audiences to your product pages. Not being able to promote actual links in your posts makes direct links to your site essential in your bio. Take some time to create a perfect CTA in your bio and follow it up with a link.
4.Make Engagement Your Priority
One of the biggest mistakes a growing Instagram account can make is prioritizing growth over engagement. More followers don’t equal more customers or credibility. We suggest focusing on your current audience and understand why they follow you. Leave comments on other’s accounts or send a DM giving praise to something a follower posted.Small engagement efforts add up and with time, your audience will create the growth for you. Remember, genuine engagement leads to genuine growth. Some sites may offer to sell you followers, but these boosts to your profile don’t have a positive impact on your SEO.
5.Stay in the Public Eye
Private accounts may come off as snobby if you’re promoting a business. Not only will you lose potential followers by making an account private, but the setting will be an “insta” turn-off for any new visitors.
6.Forget the Duplicate Photos
Just as duplicate content is a bad SEO practice, duplicate photos are a bad social media practice. Duplicate photos and videos on your feed will create a mass exodus of “unfollows.” When applicable, duplicate photos will work, but you don’t want to make this a usual practice. Instagram is all about using images to put on a show for your audience that leads to conversions. You wouldn’t see the same movie released in theaters day after day, would you?Don’t let your audience get bored and get creative by experimenting with new types of quotes, memes, and image angles.
Dallas SEO Dogs Makes Your Brand’s Instagram a Product Converter
If you need to create an Instagram for your business or know that your account isn’t helping marketing efforts, Dallas SEO Dogs can help! Our social media team is ready to inject our tried and true strategy into your brand.Don’t lose another follower because of rookie mistakes. Fill out our contact form or reach out to us today to schedule your free consultation.